Joystick/Gamepad Keyboard/Mouse converter and mapper
LLJoy is the tool to convert all keyboard and all mouse input
from joysticks or gamepads on any situation.

Joystick and Gamepad can be converted to keyboard and mouse operation
on provides the highest performance at the best among tools!


Please download from the following site. Approved distribution sites are as follows.

Domestic(from Japan):
* This site.
* Vector
* Seesaa download


Please delete files before installation, if you downloaded from other sites.
And I cannot support it.
There is a possibility that it infects malware/virus to your PC.


Windows XP,Vista,7,8,8.1,10 support. Supported both x86 and x64 edition.

This software required .NetFramework4.0 or more, and VC Runtime 2015.
Windows XP needs to install DirectX.

If you saw the block message at the Windows SmartScreen function from Windows8 to Windows10,
please disable that function.


Download LLJoy Operation Manual
Latest Manual is Version 1.0 Supported

Download LLJoy Latest Edition
Currently latest is Version 1.0.5.

For versions prior to 0.9.0 user


FunctionUseful Points
Keyboard Emulation Emulate all keyboard operation by joystick.
Unavailable key? do not worry.
It reproduces entering the unavailable keys.
Key repeat, 100 rapid fire is also OK.
Mouse Emulation Emulate all mouse operation by joystick.
Working with vertical and horizontal wheel, 5 buttons,
movement only within front window.
Mouse 100 rapid fire too.
Delay Emulation
Duplicate axes and buttons.
All kind of key and all mouse operation are able to act at moment by one action. Of course, all action are able to 100 rapid fire. It is a meaningless high performance :-)
And delay emulation is all keys and mouse operation can be output at your any time.
Time Action At press depend on time, change the keys and mouse actions.
Press and hold will be transformed in 3 stages.
Such as the "dash"or"sneak".
Tilted Action The tilt of the stick, change keyboard and mouse actions.
Defeat the large scroll and move the small details.
In addition, supports the all-digital buttons pseudo analog.
Comination Action By pressing the add another button, change the keys and mouse actions.
You can also set press order, Such as A + B buttons, B + A buttons.
Toggle Action Changing output contents by each pushed.
10 times or 20 times is also OK. It's unlimited.
Click Action Changing output contents by a pushed number in time.
10 times or 20 times is also OK. It's unlimited.
Group Management Part or all set emulation functions register at any time and you may also call.
Profile settings to do over again, looks like is easy to make.
Useful samples Included.
Page Management Manage buttons and axis setting combined to one group.
In addition, axis and buttons can set more than one condition.
Keyboard + Mouse can act with the same button by duplication.
Profile Management Manage the joystick settings(Page) combined to one group.
Profile supports joystick of "DeadZone" and "Saturation".
You can increase pages, too
Shift Action Switch to the specified page In any condition.
Time and Level, Combination, Toggle, and Click, all conditions is OK.
Process Management Automatically switching a definition (profile) by each software.
In LLJoy running, no bothersome manual switching is necessary.
Multiple Joysticks Work from any page on the joystick every possible.
Handle and Accelerator controller, such as other devices are switched together.
Joystick Adjustment Swap the functions of all the buttons and axis.
DeadZone and Saturation support. DirectInput and XInput same number button and left stick placement is also OK.
Trigger reproduced of course.
Masking Function Assigned Joystick operation completely block joystick inputs of apps in LLJoy.
It's useful such as app(didn't act that you think) acts at the same time by both a joystick inputs and a keyboard inputs.
Unassigned operation is through inputs of apps.
(XInput supported apps only, Proxy Driver Needed)
Proxy Driver Interrupt to XInput operations from the app. Convert DirectInput to XInput completely. Convert DirectInput to XInput completely.
Favorite joystick can be used verbatim at new game.
XInput Proxy Driver x86 & x64 (supported all XInput up to 1.4 from 0.9.1)

Please see details in the operation manual.

Sample Images

Profile Edit You can edit the profile page and the watching process

Per-profile settings, Per-page settings,
Installation of the driver in here.
Key Edit Key assignment and output conditions can be edited.

With one button you can output up to four keys. Shift button or Shift page, Rapid fire, Repeat setting can be carried out in here.
Mouse Edit Move the mouse and output conditions can be edited.

And immersive mode not the topmost window. Such as absolute position mode, starting at the specified position.
Import Editor Import each emulation functions while checking.

Import part or all of its.
And common emulation functions save as the group at any time, you can call.
Adjust Joystick Joystick assignment and confirmation.

Change the number of a joystick and feature, You can assign actions

This is shareware.

Sale has been begun. The price of this software is $7.

Currently, you can pay with VectorShareReg Checkout.

Payment is after booting LLJoy and please click a payment link in "About LLJoy" from the HELP menu.

Revision History

Jul 23, 2022 Version 1.0.5 released

* Fixed, it failure to start normally when a drive subject to process monitoring is disconnected.

Download Latest LLJoy

Jul 18, 2022 Version 1.0.4 released

* Fixed, it crash when process monitoring target is uninstalled.

Mar 31, 2017 Version 1.0.3 released

* Fixed, it corrected the problem of assertion when clicked the tree after changed the action of a stick.
* Improved, speed up both booting and refinding joysticks.

Mar 26, 2017 Version 1.0.2 released

* Added, the previous button and the Next button are added on key and mouse editing screen.
* Added, currently selected emulation function displays.
* Improved, colors background color at the step on mouse cursor.
* Improved, displays a name at each stick direction list.
* Improved, remembers a window maximized state.
* Changed, the Default Profile icon and the Default Page icon are before each name.
* Fixed, it was corrected the problem of not releasing keys when returned to LLJoy with joystick operation.
* Fixed, it was corrected the problem of not displaying a process after uninstalling program.

Download LLJoy 1.0.2

Mar 22, 2017 Version 1.0.1 release

* It became to version 1.0, now. This version equipped all considered features.
* Added, you can select a MP3 sound file.
* Added, play and stop a selection sound before commit.
* Added the animation character.
(Of course, you can turn off it from help menu)
* Improved, remember the last selected folder at each file selection screen.
(Sound selection, Process selection, Import selection)
* Fixed issue of being not able to display characters in English.
* Fixed issue of not drawing tree in Windows XP.

Download LLJoy 1.0.1

Mar 20, 2017 Version 0.9.5 release
Download LLJoy 0.9.5

Mar 16, 2017 Version 0.9.3 release

* Added edit context menu for emulation function and page, copy/paste/cut
* Added shortcuts of copy/paste/cut/delete feature on the tree.
Cut with a CTRL+X key
Copy with CTRL+C key
Paste with CTRL+V key
Duplicate with CTRL + D key
Delete with the delete key
* Improved the iconization of adjustment screen.
* Improved adding the operation manual link at help menu.
* Corrected freezing by assigning a same button on combination.
* Corrected illigal view on no condition at shift step.
* Corrected mismatched list of assignment on the adjust screen.

Download LLJoy 0.9.3

Mar 09, 2017 Version 0.9.2 release

Is functionally almost identical 0.9.1. Vary the look.

* Axes and buttons are became icons view.
* Corrected to not displayed the buttons in joystick calibration screen.

Mar 09, 2017 Version 0.9.1 release

* Added the Wait Time before emulation.
* Added the Release Ahead option at "after Action".
This is a emulation only between time using the repeat time from pressing.
* When using the shift function only and data was empty,
Corrected to behavior in Toggle/Clicks.
* Corrected not work immediately after the import function of the Group's results.
* Corrected not work to import the group registered functions,
even if multiple functions on the same axis or button.

Mar 07, 2017 Version 0.9.0 release

There are so many improvement in this version. So improvement items write separately.

- Add - - Improvement - - Fix - Download LLJoy 0.9.0

Feb 25, 2017 Version 0.8.3 release

* Added, Pair axis diagonal 4 directions limited processing in page edit screen.
* Added, Added "Finally Out" Mode at "After Action",
this mode is to output the current step data after releasing a button and a stick.
* Improved, Faster tree processing time at over 50 profiles.
* Fixed, It was corrected to save the initial profile setting.
* Fixed, It was corrected to use correctly both past time and repeat time at each page.
* Fixed, It was corrected a editable function after removing a profile or a page.

Feb 18, 2017 Version 0.8.2 release

* Added, It's possible to acquire the GUIDE button in XInput(requirement over Windows Vista).
* Added, Added Release Delay and Lock, Rapid Lock at After Action.
"Rapid Lock" and "Lock" keep holding a key and a mouse button by pressing once a joystick button. It releases a key and a mouse button by pressing again a joystick button.
"Release Delay" is to delay releasing a key and a mouse button after a joystick button released.
* Fixed, It was corrected outputting a range of extended keys.
* Fixed, It was corrected the shift sound setting.
* Fixed, It was corrected to switch when detecting a new joystick.
* Fixed, They were corrected tab orders at Profile/Key/Mouse/Adjust Screen.

Feb 05, 2017 Version 0.8.1 release

* Fixed, It was correct outputting both key of browser/media and mouse button X1/X2.
* Changed, "Installer" edition or "With Manual" make a group in start menu.
* Changed, "Installer" edition or "With Manual" can create a shortcut in start up.

Fab 03, Version 0.8.0 release

* Improved, Update a part of tree icons.
* Improved, Tree control drawing refine.
* Added, Added icons at profile edit screen and key edit screen, mouse edit screen.
* Added, the option of mouse movement from end to end by tilted level inside a foreground window at the mouse edit screen.

Jan 30, Version 0.7.7 release

* Added, the option of mouse movement only inside a foreground window at the mouse edit screen.

Jan 29, Version 0.7.5 release

* Fixed, It was corrected that all joysticks disconnected when reloading profiles.
* Fixed, It was corrected that tree contents were cleared when reloading profiles.
* Fixed, It was corrected that profiles change infinitely when booting.

Jan 25, Version 0.7.4 release

* Improved, Exchanged texts to icons at tree list

Jan 17, 2017 Version 0.7 release

* Added, Added Icons at screen buttons.
* Added, Added Right Click Menu on tree.

Jan 14, 2017 Version 0.6.4 release

* Fixed, It was corrected that DeadZones adjustment of ROT axis and Z/RZ axis don't work in real time.
* Fixed, It was corrected that it doesn't appear in a joystick adjustment
when connecting a joystick after running LLJoy without joystick in the first time,
* Adjusted, Movement of a wheel of mouse was adjusted so that it might become a little smooth.

Jan 12, 2017 Version 0.6.3 beta edition

* Improved, Divided "DeadZone" a XY axis, a ROT axis and Z/RZ axis.
* Improved, The setting of the accumulation is changed to millisecond designation from a second.
* Improved, Created the reset button of assignment in adjustment joystick.
* Improved, Created the As XInput button of assignment in adjustment joystick.
* Improved displaying no message of the same profile at the tray icon.
* Improved, Set the initial profile without processes list.
* Fixed, It is corrected that the saturation does not work at adjustment joystick.
* Fixed, It is corrected that the checked default profile can not remove in profile edit.

Jan 10, 2017 Version 0.6.2 beta edition

*Improved, A frame rate was raised that it might move smoothly, from 30fps to 100fps.
*Improved, An established rapid pushing, it is corrected in order to maintain repeat speed
*Fixed, When you double clicked a tray icon after start minimized, it is fixed to be a normal window size.
*Fixed, It is fixed that the name of the process is not sorted.
*Fixed, It is fixed that Cursor key and Windows key cannot be output.

Jan 08, 2017 Version 0.6.1 beta edition

* Improved, a start improved a slow one.
* Improved, it was improved that input of a profile setting screen becomes abnormally slow.
* Fixed, the LALT/ LSHIFT/ LWIN correct the matter which cannot be input from a key assist screen.
* Fixed, it was fixed the fatal error of proxy driver when the application uses XInput1_3.dll or XInput1_4.dll
* Fixed, it was fixed that failed adding and failed copying of "Profile/Page" (It's fixed additionally in Version 0.6.1.)

Jan 06, 2017 Version 0.5 beta edition

* Changed ZIP to Installer
* Added, The masking function

about The masking function (XInputProxy Driver)
(1) DirectInput inputs can convert to XInput joystick inputs.
(2) Masked the acceptance both keyboard and joystick inputs.
There are applications that accepts and runs both keyboard and joystick input at the same time.
This function can block these situation.
The application can acquire the unassigned button or axis at joystick.
But it cannot acquire the assigned joystick button or axis.
In this function, the application is masked the acceptance of both keyboard and joystick at the same time.

Jan 04, 2017 Version 0.4 alpha edition

* Fixed, Some errors on Windows English edition.
* Fixed, Certainly running on WindowsXP.

Dec 30, 2016 Version 0.3 alpha edition

* When a joystick connected by a wireless joystick, It will detect connection automatically.
* It's corrected because there was a defect fatal to license authentication.
(Please use this version for the person who can't Authenticate in

Dec 29, 2016 Version 0.2 alpha edition

* Added Assembly authentication
* The XInput Joystick already checked will not be checking at re-detection once again.
* When resuming, so that a joystick may be re-detected.
* Fixed, it doesn't output when registering a shift button first.
* Fixed, It doesn't transmit the level of shifting button.
* Changed, The log is output in UTF16.

For versions prior to 0.9.0 user
Confirm version is on "about LLJoy" at "Help" menu.

In new installations, samples are registered in the initial profile.
If the reference sample for overwrite install is user-created data,
acquisition work profile and group is required.
If you don't require sample profile and group, so registration is not required.

The installation directory contains 4 profile sample files and a group file.
In a standard installation,
Please copy "*.prf" files and a "*.grp" file to another location.
Import Editor is opened from the green "Import" button under the profile name at Profile Edit Screen.
Please import 4 profiles in this screen.
Re-selected files can import continuously in this screen at once.

Then, Import Editor is opened from the green "Import" button at Key Edit Screen.
First select the group, and then specify a group file from the small button under.

That's all, you can refer the latest version and the same sample.

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